Decadent Flourless Chocolate Cake

Well – I seem to be on a bit of a baking roll at the moment as I have yet another superb baking recipe for you today! A very rich and decadent chocolate cake – and what is even more surprising to me, is that there is absolutely no flour in it.

Please don’t judge it by this terrible photo – as the photo really does not do this cake justice! I was rushing to serve it to my guests that I only took this miserable shot!

photo 1 (23)

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Gravlax – A Swedish Smörgåsbord Staple

I was looking at the calendar today – and I realised two things. One, we have been in Brazil for exactly 2 months today and secondly in exactly a months time, C and I will be on our way to Singapore (via Abu Dhabi for a few days) to celebrate Christmas.

Knowing how quickly time goes by, I thought I would start posting some really good Swedish Christmas recipes. Or at least the recipes that we prepare in my family every Christmas. Last year, C and I celebrated Christmas in Mexico City, and we put together a dinner for 15 people – it was such a success and everyone loved the food! Here you can read about my planning for that dinner and what we served Swedish Christmas in Mexico City Keep Reading

Red Wine Braised Short Ribs

Over the last few months, C and I have realised the benefit of meal planning! By planning the meals you want to cook the following week and planning the days you won’t be cooking, we have realised a few things:

  1. Weekly meal planning takes the stress away from the dreaded question ‘what should we make for dinner tonight’.
  2. Allows you to cook meals that fit into you diet plans (for us, that is LCHF) and not just randomly throwing things together.
  3. Cuts down (almost 90%) food waste.
  4. (and my favourite point) You save money.

Seriously – why has it taken me so long to figure this out?

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Lemon & Oregano Roast Chicken Legs


As I am sure is the case with most home cooks – I LOVE one tray or one pot cooking. The ease of throwing everything together, bunging it into the oven or on top of the stove and letting it look after itself for a while is wonderful! Not to mention cutting down the washing time (we have no dishwasher in our new apartment…and I feel as though I’m doing the dishes all day long!) Keep Reading



No Christmas celebration in Sweden would be complete without Glögg!

Glögg is a Swedish version of mulled wine, gluhwein, or if you are in Mexico – ponche – a wonderfully spiced (and spiked) warm wine, served with raisins and sliced almonds, which just embodies Christmas cheer! Keep Reading

Swedish Christmas in Mexico City

I love Christmas! It really is one of my favourite celebration and my favourite time of year. I always felt very lucky growing up – as we would celebrate not one but TWO Christmases (is that even a word?).

We would celebrate the Swedish Christmas on the 24th with traditional Swedish Julbord (literally translated into Christmas table which is similar to smörgåsbord) and then the English Christmas on 25th with Turkey and stuffing! As I grew up in Singapore, which is naturally a hot tropical country, my mother would shut all the windows and blast the aircon on high – so it felt slightly cool, and reminiscent of her Christmas she would spend in Sweden!  Keep Reading

Roast Duck – with Crispy Skin!

Duck is definitely a protein that I do not cook with often – coming to think of it, I don’t think I have made anything to do with duck – ever! But last week C and I decided that we were going to attempt to make a roast duck in lieu of the traditional roast turkey for Thanks Giving. Keep Reading

Chicken Liver Pate

Today is a public holiday – its Constitution day. To be honest, I don’t really know what that entails for the Mexicans, but I do know it meant that I could sleep in until 10am, have my Peruvian make me banana pancakes for breakfast, lounge around in my pajamas until 2 before getting ready to go for a late lunch at 3 – perfect way of spending a day!

A couple of hours ago it started to rain – giving this day an even cosier feel. It also reminded me slightly of Christmas and I realised that I never posted any of the wonderful food that was made over the holidays. So I thought I would start with this simple recipe – Chicken Liver Pate.

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Shrimp Bisque

Have you ever made something that was so incredibly good that you even surprised yourself? You think- how on earth could I have made that?

That was exactly my reaction on Saturday when I made this Shrimp Bisque for ‘C’ who was returning home after a week-long business trip. Although rather time consuming, and I had a few kitchen cock-ups, the end result was worth it. The flavours were so deep and rich that I could not stop myself from dipping my spoon into the pot every few minutes while I was making it, just to re-confirm that it really was that good.

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Coronation Chicken – bringing back a clasic!

I know, I know, I know…its been ages since I last posted, and I have to say I have no other excuse rather than not feeling overly inspired! Plus I have been trying to finish my post on Peru which I never seem to get ready with. I just have to stop being so picky and go ahead and publish it!

Anyway, here is an incredibly simple yet delicious recipe for a sandwich filling – Coronation Chicken! Yup, I am brining back an old classic! For those of you who are British or went to spent any time in Britain I am sure this will bring back some memories. Keep reading