Delicious Fried Fish Curry


Last Friday I made possibly the easiest and most delicious curry I have made to-date. It was one of those dishes, that when I tasted it, I thought to myself – did I really make that?!  It was delicious, and I was excited. Yes, I get incredibly excited when something that tastes so good is made by myself  – spatula in hand I did a little jig and then than called C over to taste it. I expected him to break out into a little dance too – naturally that didn’t happen, but he did agree it was delicious. Keep Reading

Jamie Oliver’s Baked Cod Wrapped in Bacon!

When I left Singapore in 2010 to move to Mexico (to literally move in with this boy I had been having a long distance relationship with for the past year or so), I moved with a suitcase. I sold or gave away most of my furniture and packed down a few boxes of personal possessions that meant something to me and stored them at my parents. This was my exit strategy. The less things I brought with me to Mexico, the easier it would be to pack-up and leave if things did not work out.

Luckily for me they worked out perfectly, unluckily for my parents, they where lumbered with these boxes for the last few years. So when I was finally back in Singapore over Christmas, I went through them and come accross all my old cookbooks which I was planning on giving away, but just couldn’t bare to do it – so brought them all back to Brazil with me!

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Gravlax – A Swedish Smörgåsbord Staple

I was looking at the calendar today – and I realised two things. One, we have been in Brazil for exactly 2 months today and secondly in exactly a months time, C and I will be on our way to Singapore (via Abu Dhabi for a few days) to celebrate Christmas.

Knowing how quickly time goes by, I thought I would start posting some really good Swedish Christmas recipes. Or at least the recipes that we prepare in my family every Christmas. Last year, C and I celebrated Christmas in Mexico City, and we put together a dinner for 15 people – it was such a success and everyone loved the food! Here you can read about my planning for that dinner and what we served Swedish Christmas in Mexico City Keep Reading

Shrimp Bisque

Have you ever made something that was so incredibly good that you even surprised yourself? You think- how on earth could I have made that?

That was exactly my reaction on Saturday when I made this Shrimp Bisque for ‘C’ who was returning home after a week-long business trip. Although rather time consuming, and I had a few kitchen cock-ups, the end result was worth it. The flavours were so deep and rich that I could not stop myself from dipping my spoon into the pot every few minutes while I was making it, just to re-confirm that it really was that good.

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Baked Potato With Tuna

This summer ‘C’ and I are going to the UK to attend my cousins wedding in York, and as we will be in the North of England I just could not pass on the opportunity to show ‘C’ Durham, the city I went to university. I did both my bachelors and my masters degree in Durham, and I loved it. I made some exceptionally good friends there, all of whom I still consider to be some of my closest today (despite not living in the same country as them for over 5 years) and I truly felt this is where I grew-up a lot and learnt a lot about myself. Keep Reading

Broiled Scallops with Parmesan

Although, I tend to do most of the cooking at home, that is not to say that ‘C’ cannot cook. In fact he is an excellent cook, and enjoys it almost as much as I do. On a day to day basis, I tend to have more time on my hands than he does (being unemployed and all), so am able to potter around far more in the kitchen. However, when he does cook I know that I am in for a real treat.

Today was no exception….Broiled scallops with butter and melted parmesan cheese! Keep Reading

Baked Salmon Fish Cakes

What do you do with left over fish? Make fish cakes of course!

As I discovered a couple of weeks ago when I made the Thai inspired fish cakes, this is not only one of the most easiest and delicious ways of using up left over fish – but its incredibly healthy too! In most of the recipes I have read, they all call for mashed potatoes but I think that is an unnecessary carb, and for them to be fried – which is unnecessary fat! The fish cakes come together quite nicely with breadcrumbs, eggs and baked in the oven – serve them with a salad or what ever you heart desires, and voila another healthy dinner sorted without too much hassle! Keep Reading

Roasted Salmon Fillets with a Crusted Pecorino and Pesto Topping


I actually wrote a really good long post about this dish last night – but for some reason just as I was about to publish it, I lost the whole thing!! I was furious – that has to be the most frustrating felling in the world, and the worst of it all is…this is not the first time it has happened to me on WordPress. From now on, I’m going to write everything on Word and then transfer it!

Anyway…back to the Salmon. In all honesty salmon is not my favourite fish – I think it is highly over rated! Maybe that is because I have just had far too much bad salmon in my life. For me it has become synonymous with banquet food – how many business lunches or weddings have you been to where you have been served a poached salmon, a few overcooked sprigs of asparagus a miserable looking potato with some non-descript viscous white sauce?! Far too many!

However, being part Swedish and spending a lot of time in Sweden you can’t avoid salmon – salmon is a staple in most Swedish households, there is the gravlax and smoked salmon, we even have salmon paste that is in a tube which you can squeeze onto your toast (may not sound appetising but I can assuar you it is!). This, coupled with the fact that ‘C’ and are making  determined effort to have one veggie day and one fish day in our diet – it couldn’t have been long until Salmon popped up on to the menu. Keep Reading

Fish Cakes – Thai inspired

Its been a while since I last posted a blog – sometimes life just seems to speed up and I have a hard time keeping up with it! However, I still manage to find time to cook!

On Sunday ‘C’ and I had a BBQ with some good friends. We brought with us a beautiful red snapper which we stuffed with parsley, lime, tomatoes and onions – sealed it in foil and then threw it on the grill – it was beautiful (I’m gutted I have no pictures!). However, like most BBQ there was just an abundance of food and we only managed to eat half of the snapper.

So on Monday, with the rest of the red snapper I made these incredibly lovely fish cakes – which turned out to be a huge successes with ‘C’, he even brought in the left overs for lunch today :). If you ever have left over fish (no matter what type), don’t throw it away – this is the perfect meal. Keep Reading

Chili Garlic and White Wine Prawns

On Saturday I got it into my mind that I wanted to make seafood. In fact I really wanted to make moules mariniere – There is something really satisfying about having a large bowl of steaming mussels which you can eat using your fingers and mopping up that lovely garlicy white wine sauce with some crusty bread! However, upon arriving at the supermarket and realising that they did not actually sell mussels my fantasy was quickly thwarted.

Not really knowing what to do – but still determined to make something similar I grabbed the next best things – fresh prawns! If I’m going to be completely honest, I very rarely cook with fresh prawns – as I’m always slightly scared of over cooking them and I just generally had the impression that they were quite fiddely – how wrong I was!  Keep Reading